I am going to write about my brother/sister! (alege tu care vrei, dar daca nu ai, poti sa spui asa: I am going to write about one of my family friends because we’re really close!!)
Me and my brother/sister get along very well. We do everything together! We eat together, we do our homework together, we clean together, we even go out together, i can’t imagine life without him/her (him-daca zici de frate, her-daca zici de sora)
Even tho he’s/she’s older than me, he’s/she’s in college, and im still in high school, we dont see the difference. The only time when we’re alone and not together, is when im at high school and he’s/she’s at college. I would do anything for him/her! I love him/her so much. He’s/She’s very nice, extremely funny, i can never stop laughing when im around her/him. She’s/He’s taller than me and has beautiful blue eyes, just like the ocean . There’s nothing that can separate us!