
Eseu de 120-150 cuvinte (Music Is/ Is Not My Friend) in care sa abordați următoarele idei...
- cât este de importanta muzica pt voi (și de ce)
- ce tip de muzica va place(și de ce)
- ce cântăreți/ formații și ce piese va plac (și de ce)
- cât timp petreceri ascultând muzica​

Răspuns :


asta ar trebuii sa o faci tu nu stiu ce muzica iti place




My favorite singer is Ashley Nicollette Frangipane also known as Halsey, she is a younger singer Who has beautiful appearance with a divine voice. She is born in New Jersey, but she prefers to identify herself with New York because, as she says "it's more of her style". She is also a bisexual artist, an open-minded artist, isn't that great? She has so many songs with deep lyrics, full of meaning and a message. Her first activity for in this filed was of contracts with different music companies. Throughout all these years she has built a very strong career and a good reputation as a lovely artist. My favourite song interpreted by her is named "Gasoline", there isn't a really good reason why I love her music or why I love that song more, I just invite you to listen to here music and say if you lihe it or not.