In my opinion pollution is a big problem nowadays so people should understand this and every bag or piece of plastic they throw on the ground should be paid for by themselves.
First of all, plastic is very difficult to degrade in nature and due to its resistance and its presence in so many products, the pollution has spread so much. The climate and the animals are the most affected by this and the earth suffers a lot because of people's unconsciousness.
Secondly, because of the commodity with which people have come to live, it seems much easier to throw garbage on the street, in water, in forests, etc. than in a trash can, where they could be reused, which ones can be reused, or thrown away again in a special place. However, in addition to climate and the animals, the people are also directly affected by pollution, because oxygen and the ozone layer also have to suffer.
In conclusion, I agree that people should pay for every waste thrown on the street because maybe this way, many of them will stop.