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,,Sunt de acord cu aceasta afirmatia deoarece banii nu pot cumpara fericirea.Este adevarat ca banii sunt sursa fiecaruia de venit si fara ei nu putem supravietui.Cu banii poti cumpara o casa ,dar nu si un camin,cu banii poti cumpara medicamente ,dar nu si sanatate ,cu banii poti cumpara orice dar nu si fericirea ,iubirea si respectul celorlalti.Multi inlocuiesc fericirea cu banii .Fericirea sta in lucruri mici si nu costa.Uitam foarte des sa ne bucuram ca suntem sanatosi,ca avem o familie frumoasa,ca avem unde sa dormim si ce manca .Ne dorim cat mai mult si acest lucru ne face nemultumitori.Multi oameni bogati nu au reusit sa obtina fericirea indiferent de averea pe care au avut-o.Mai bine e sa fii un om sarac si multumit cu ceea ce ai pentru ca doar asa vei afla adevaratul sens al cuvantului fericire.

Răspuns :


I agree with this statement because money cannot buy happiness. It is true that money is everyone's source of income and without them we cannot survive. With money you can buy a house, but not a home, with money you can buy medicines, but not and health, with money you can buy anything but happiness, love and respect for others. Many replace happiness with money. Happiness lies in small things and does not cost. We often forget to rejoice that we are healthy, that we have a beautiful family, that we have where to sleep and what to eat. We want as much as possible and this makes us unhappy. Many rich people have not been able to achieve happiness regardless of the wealth they had. It is better to be a poor man and satisfied with which you have because only in this way will you find out the true meaning of the word happiness.


I agree with this statement because money cannot buy happiness. It is true that money is everyone's source of income and without them we cannot survive. With money you can buy a house, but not a home, with money you can buy medicines, but not and health, with money you can buy anything but happiness, love and respect for others. Many replace happiness with money. Happiness lies in small things and does not cost. We often forget to rejoice that we are healthy, that we have a beautiful family, that we have where to sleep and what to eat. We want as much as possible and this makes us unhappy. Many rich people have not been able to achieve happiness regardless of the wealth they had. It is better to be a poor man and satisfied with which you have because only in this way will you find out the true meaning of the word happiness.