vă rog, mă anunți și pe mine? Mulțumesc mult. dau Coroana.
clasa a 7 a

Primele replici sunt deja date de exercițiu drept exemplu
2 este Elis: And what happened to her?
Amy: Well, the boys shut her in the cupboard!
Elis: Oh no! What did she say?
3 este Amy: As they were locking her in,....
Elis: Oh no! What did she say?
4 este Amy: She opened the cupboard door and told us all to go to her office.
Elis: What happened then? How did you feel?
5 este Amy: I felt really worried, but luckily she told us she was....,so she saw who did it!
Elis: Wow! That was lucky!
Sper sa te ajute! Succes!