
Un text despre Netta Barzilai in limba engleza unde sa o descrieți cam in 15 rânduri de caiet studențesc. Descrierea sa conitina hituri, premii, info din viața ei.... etc...​

Răspuns :


NUSH (;´༎ຶٹ༎ຶ`)(;´༎ຶٹ༎ຶ`)(;´༎ຶٹ༎ຶ`)(;´༎ຶٹ༎ຶ`)(;´༎ຶٹ༎ຶ`)

Netta barzilai is a 28 year old singer she started singing in 2018 where she winned a big show from isreal then her big hit “toy” was released in 2018/10 march more of her albums are goody bag and her video “toy” was the most watched video from eurovision with 125 millions of views!!