1 Answer the question and then choose the correct option to complete
the sentence.
he wasn't there.
0 We
not go on holiday last year.
A do
B does
© did
What tense do we use with last year?
1 Jamie went to his friend's house after school
A but
B because CSO
What conjunction do we use when something unexpected happens?
2 Paul and Henry often go
in the mountains.
A cycle B cycling
C cycles
We talk about activities. What verb form do we use after go?
3 They went Scotland by train.
A to
B in
C at
What preposition do we use after go?
4 1
speak English when I was 5.
A can't B wasn't C couldn't
Do we use the past or the present tense?
5 It Amy's birthday two days ago.
A was
B is
C were
What tense do we use with sti
cu tot cu intrebari. plzzz