
Round-up test
Underline the adjectives and circle the adverbs in the following sentences.
1. Margot accepts compliments graciously.
2. Hank thinks his rich uncle will send him a big check soon.
3. Frankly, the woman knows little about fashion.
4. Some tourists had apparently thrown a big bag of rubbish from their car.
5. The tomatoes that are grown in Romania are tastier than the ones that are grown in Turkey.
6. Whenever I feel sad, I try to think of something incredibly beautiful.
7. When I saw Maribel smiling. I was certainly glad that I had come
8. Our efforts to leave early for our picnic failed because we overslept.
9. Mark's stereo certainly sounds different now. He has both speakers hooked up correctly.
10. She was especially proud that they had behaved so maturely at the concert.

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Răspuns :

1. graciously

2. rich   big

3. (nothing)

4. big

5. grown  tastier  grown

6. sad   incredibly  beautiful

7. glad

8. failed

9. sounds  correctly

10. especially  proud  maturely

1 graciously
3 frankly
4 apparently
6 incredibly
7 certainly
8 early
9 certainly,correctly
10 especially,maturely