
Scrie o scrisoare catre un prieten despre o problema medicala pe care ai avut-o. Scrie ce a cauzat problema, unde a avut loc si cum am trat-o( IN LB.ENGLEZA, Sa fie dezvoltata 50 PCT + coroana)

Răspuns :

Hi Alex! I want to tell you about what happened to me last week. So I went to the mountains because there was a lot of snow and it was very nice to hit you with a sleigh or skis. All good and beautiful until the next day. I went sledding and stayed there from morning till night. After the third day I went with the sleigh again and again I stayed in the morning until the evening in the cold. And so I caught a cold and now I don't feel very well. I went to the doctor and he told me that in a week I will have nothing but only if I take my medication correctly. See you after my cold passes!
From.. (și îți pui numele aici)
For Alex

Sper sa fie totul ok.. succes