cine mă ajută dau coroniță

Incepem cu exercitiul 2:
1. When I am studying, I try to keep off my mobile media silent.
2. I don't watch cartoons because I find them childish.
3. You can watch a lot of documentaries on History Channel, they are very entertaining / interesting.
4. I always take time to read books. I usually preffer science ones.
5. Jason is reading C.S.Lewis's book and he thinks It's very interesting.
Te rog coroana, nu am avut timp sa continui tot dar sper ca te-am ajutat sa intelegi ideea, trebuie sa completezi cu cei vrei atata timp cat are logica.
La exercitiul 2, punctul 3 te las sa alegi care ti se pare mai ok tie, din perspectiva ta.