
сочинение на тему. Ignorance means dependence.​

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It is said that the ignorant man is a happy man. Should the level of knowledge be directly proportional to happiness? First of all, what is happiness? That state of bliss, of soul satisfaction, which manifests itself due to a fulfillment or lack of stress, generating the absence of worries, the negative state, sometimes anxiety.

Probably each of us has passed at least once a group of construction workers, for example, who despite strenuous physical work, seem to have more zest for life than students at the end of the session (although it seems hard to believe); they laugh out loud, catching them from time to time dropping a whistle for the unlucky ones in their path. Or, let's not forget the groups of "neighborhood boys", who break seeds at the corner of the block, being the basic representatives of the cliché when they put into action their favorite and well-known reply: "What are you doing girls, are you walking?"

Well, the antithesis between this stereotype and the rigid image of the "white collars" with which we intersect daily and from whose faces we can easily read the stress, lead us to conclude that ignorance is the key to happiness. But in the next area, more than a key, ignorance is, in fact, the padlock.

What really inspired me to write about this topic is a video that circulates in the viral environment and addresses a somewhat taboo topic: Christianity vs. Satanism. Sounds atheistic already, doesn't it? Surprisingly, it is not. According to him, Satanism is not the opposite of good, of God, the eleven laws of this sect being at the level of common sense, and not of the grotesque. Obviously, after watching it, I was intrigued enough to look for more details. What did I find out? Satanism is not centered around a divine entity that intervenes in people's lives and to which they must answer, but is centered on man, who takes his destiny into his own hands and becomes responsible to his own self.

Many of you may have already known this, but I did not, which led me to realize that some of us were raised by religious paradigms so well permeated in our conscience that the search for the meaning of a term so blamed on Christianity, it would have been considered an act of profanation of God. After all, each religion acts according to its own laws, but the presentation of the others as being evil, when in reality they are normal and completely devoid of this demonic side, seems to me, rather, a very unpleasant mass manipulation.

Not to be misunderstood, I do not intend to encourage this form of religious manifestation, but to highlight the prejudices by which we are guided.

I do not want to develop this subject very much, because I could touch certain sensitive strings and I am not in a position to approach it in depth, but just to mention that we live in ignorance even without realizing it, and the more we learn , so we realize that we don't really know anything. We are led by the flock and have little to object to. That's why we come across pseudo-experts who want to assert themselves, who have read "very, very, very much", so much so that they don't remember what, but they always have an answer, a reply, a point of view.

After all, according to the wise saying of the people, "the fool is not foolish enough, if he is not foolish."

Yeah that’s what a beautiful day you know you love me so I hope so I don’t think you can bring it ‍