
Match the words in bold type from the text with their

definitions below.

a. the state of being extremely dirty and unplea-

sant, especially as a result of poverty or neglect;

b. fatal infectious disease transmitted by fleas

from rats;

c. to prevent or constrain (an activity or idea);

d. greater when compared with others in size,

number, importance, or seriousness;

e. to represent (something) as being larger, better,

or worse than it really is;

f. no longer modern or fashionable;

g. a building in a college or university, where stu-

dents live and sleep;

h. (of words, remarks, actions, etc.) not governed

or influenced by rules, responsibilities, or the


Match The Words In Bold Type From The Text With Their Definitions Belowa The State Of Being Extremely Dirty And Unpleasant Especially As A Result Of Poverty Or class=