
7. Identify which action took place first in the past and which action took place second.
1. The friends were very happy that they had taken part in the wellness programme.
2. The team shouted loudly. They had won the match.
3. The tennis player started crying because he had lost the game.
4. The four friends thanked Radu Cojocaru because he had helped them.
5. The children felt better after they had changed their lifestyles.​

Răspuns :

1. Had taken part = the first action

Were very happy = the second action

Întâi au luat parte și după au fost fericiți.

2. Had won = the first action

Shouted = the second action

Întâi au câștigat și după au țipat.

3. Had lost = the first action

Started crying = the second action

Întâi a pierdut și după a început plângă.

4. Had helped = the first action

Thanked = the second action

Întâi i-a ajutat și după i-au mulțumit.

5. Had changed = the first action

Felt = the second action

Întâi au schimbat și după s-au simțit.

Când verbul tău se formează "HAD + VERB LA FORMA A 3-A SAU CU - ED" marchează o acțiune mai trecută decât cealaltă.