reported speech practice 2
repede,dau coroana

Charles said that he spoke to Mary two weeks ago.
I told them to be quiet and start the exam.
She said she was very tired after doing three exams today
They asked me for my name
We ordered her to not go out now or shell be sorry
He said that he lost all of his money last Saturday.
I asked if mary asked you about the party.
She asked how much money do you need for that.
He asked me who was that girl wearing the beautiful dress
She said she doesn't have to eat all that till tommorow
Mr Jones said that he just finished work
The secretary told him that Mr Harmsworth can't see him today
She said that she never played tennis in this court
She told me that she'll wait for me
She asked her sister what does her boyfriend look like
He said that he thinks you plan isnt good.
He asked if it will rain tommorow
He said that he will go to sww that play soon