
Cine imi traduce in engleza urmatorul argument?
,,As prefera mai degraba sa lucrez ca olar decat sa lucrez toata ziua la birou cu ochii in calculator.Chiar daca castigi mai putini bani fiind olar ,nu banii aduc fericirea .Daca as lucra toata ziua in fata unui calculator ,in primul rand nu as avea timp mai mult de familie,de prietenii si de mine mai ales.In al doilea rand ,mi-ar afecta vederea deoarece am observat acum cand fac ore online ca ochii mei obosesc mult mai repede.
Sa fii olar nu e un job bine platit dar tot timpul cand faci ceva modest si ce iti place esti fericit.As prefera sa fiu un olar deoarece as avea mai mult timp liber .

Răspuns :


,, I would rather work as a potter than work all day at the office with my eyes on the computer. Even if you earn less money being a potter, money does not bring happiness. If I worked all day in front of a computer, first of all not I would have more time with family, friends and myself in particular. Secondly, it would affect my vision because I noticed now when I spend hours online that my eyes get tired much faster.

Being a potter is not a well paid job but every time you do something modest and what you like you are happy. I would prefer to be a potter because I would have more free time.