
Imi puteti spune care(daca) am facut greseli in urmatorul proiect:

Why do you need to be healthier?
1. Helps You Live Longer
2. You will have more stamina
3. You will be taller
4. You will be happier
5. Control Your Stress
If you are smoking listen to me carefully!

Please tell me, why are you smoking? Do you like the smoke? I think not. Then let me tell you why you need to STOP smoking!
1. You will be healthier
2. Happier
3. More immune
4. You will live longer (the cigarettes make you live less)

How to be healthier?
1. Don’t drink sugar calories
2. Eat nuts
3. Avoid fast food
4. Get enough sleep-THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT
5. Drink water! This is also very important
6. Do sport
7. Eat salads

Why do you need to drink water?
1. It helps create saliva
2. It regulates your body temperature
3. It helps maximize physical performance
4. It helps with nutrient absorption
5. It helps you lose weight
6. It helps your brain

Do sport (extremely important!)
1. You’ll be healthier
2. You’ll be smarter
3. You will be handsome/beautiful

So, you heard all of these important things and you are still on the chair? You need to get an attitude
In the future, you will thank me!