Ajutor va rog, îmi trebuie neapărat pana la ora 12.00... dacă știți cumva sa o rezolvați va rog sa ma ajutați ❤❤❤❤❤

1) 1/ I wish i had enough money.
2/ She wishes she knew how to cook.
3/ They wish they didn't work on Sundays.
4/ I wish I spoke German.
5/ He wishes he could dance.
6/ We wish we had a car.
7/ I wish I didn't have to do all the homework.
8/ They wish they could come with us.
9/ She wishes she was old enough to travel alone.
10/ He wishes he could understand the lesson.
2) 1/ I wish I hadn't eaten a lot of sweets yesterday.
2/ She wishes she had arrived in time in the morning.
3/ They wish they had gotten good marks.
4/ I wish I had seen the match last night.
5/ He wishes he had found the job.
6/ We wish we had had enough time.
7/ I wish I hadn't been so busy last weekend.
8/ They wish they had answered the exercises.
9/ She wishes she hadn't been alone at home last weekend.
10/ He wishes he had found a solution.
3) 1/ I wish my room-mate would turn his radio down.
2/ They wish I would change my hairstyle.
3/ He wishes his student would come to school early.
4/ I wish my girl friend would visit me more often.
5/ She wishes her husband would stop drinking.
6/ We wish it would snow.
7/ She wishes her children wouldn't quarrel.
8/ He wishes his father would stop smoking.
9/ He wishes his father would let him travel.
10/ He wishes she would change her behaviour.