Vă rog repede 6 si 7!!!!!

a)we use too when we say that somethink or someone is doing the same think ,I am too a student at your class for exemple,that means i'm one of them,or i like movies, me too (some one answering)
we use and when we talk about two thinks or somethink asociated ,or about two persons ,Mike and Miles for exemple
we use but when there is a difference or a a circumstancial way of the think,Substantive but is inconsistent ,for exemple i like you but I like Mike more.
we use however when there is a way ,or a difference .
It is a adverb used for saying that it makes a difference about how good, bad, are the conditions
b)The two cities are pretty much the same becouse in London and New York too are a lot of malls. In bolth aren' t any supermarkets but still there are two small greengrocesr's and Bakery stores.
Bolth cityes are not close too the sea ,however there is a swimming pool.
8)In my City named (scrie orasul tau aici)there are a lot of parks but in Lisbon there aren't so many.
În my City there are a lot of clean streets but in Lisbon there aren' so clean the streets.
In my City there are a lot of markets but in Lisbon there aren't so many.
In my City there are a many shops but in Lisbon there aren't so many.
In my City there are hudge buildings but in Lisbon there aren't so hudge.
In my City there are beautyfull houses but in Lisbon there aren't so beautyfull.
In my City there are famous restaurants but in Lisbon therr aren't so famous