Using the informations from the worksheet and the plan,write a story (80-100 words) with the title A HERO FOR A DAY

-Oh my god! The snake is venomous! He could bite you,I saved your life.
-Thank you.How can I reward you?
-It's ok. It's good to know that you are safe.
-Wow! You have a kind heart there!
-Thank you!
Later on that day....
-Hello,I will inform you that you need to be in your rooms and safe,the ship may sink in the ocean.
Everybody except of the staff go in there rooms
-Were should we go?says a staff
-I don't know let's ask someone if they can share with us there room
-Hello there,you are the one that saved my life aren't you?
-Oh Hello,yes
-Well why aren't you in your room?
-Well you see, we are staff members and don't have rooms cause we need to help here and there..
-Well I have a really big room that all the staff members can stay and also I am alone.
-Really,you would do that for us?
-Yes I would love to help!
They go in the guys room
-Wowww!say all the staff members.Thank you!
-Well it is nice to know I helped
sper ca te-am ajutat☆♡