Vă rog multttt !!!!!!!!
Repedeee,dau coroanaaaa!!!!!!!!

ex. 7
1. What time will it arrive in London?
2. When does breakfast start on the train?
3. What time does breakfast finish?
4. What time will the first train leave from Glasgow in the afternoon?
5. What time will it get to London?
6. When does lunch start on the 12:30 train?
7. What time does lunch finish?
ex. 8
1. It will arrive at 14:40 in the afternoon.
2. It starts at 8:00 in the morning.
3. It finishes at 10:00 in the morning.
4. The first train will leave from Glasgow at 12:30.
5. It will get to London at 19:15 in the evening.
6. Lunch starts at 12:45.
7. Luch finishes at 2:00 PM.
nu stiu cat e de corect dar sper ca am ajutat:))