
Exercitiul 4 vă roggg.
E urgenttt​

Exercitiul 4 Vă Roggg E Urgenttt class=

Răspuns :

1. Does anything from the radio programme surprise you? What and why?

Yes,it does surprise me because there are so many new things that I can learn and many news. Specially the news with the other poor children from Africa.

2. Do you know any interesting facts or stories about water?

I know that our bodies are 90% from water.

3. How much water do you drink every day?

I usually don't drink that much water, but I drink above one l.

4. What do you drink when you get up in the morning ?

When I get up In the morning I drink

water because It's healthy.

5. What is your favourite drink when you are very thirsty?

My favourite drink when I'm very thirsty is lemonade or water.