5) Last Supper is one of the most famous artworks in the world, painted by Leonardo Da Vinci probably between 1494 and 1499 for the Dominican monastert Santa Maria delle Grazie in Milan.
It portrays the scene in which Jesus declares that one of the Apostles will betray him and later institutes the Eucharist. According to Leonardo’s belief that posture, gesture, and expression should manifest the ‘notions of the mind’, each one of the 12 disciples reacts in a manner that Leonardo considered fit for the man’s personality.
Jesus’ calm composure, with his head and eyes lowered, contrasts with the agitation of the Apostles. Their different postures rise, fall, extend and intertwine while remaining organized in groups of three.
The meal takes place within almost austere room so that the viewer focuses on the action taking place in the foreground. Dark tapestries line the walls on either side, while the back wall is dominated by three windows that look out on an undulating landscape recalling Milan’s countryside. Leonardo represented the technique by using linear perspective, a technique rediscovered in the Renaissance that employs parallel lines that converge at a single vanishing point to create the illusion depth of a flat surface.
Later, scholars discovered that the vantage point for the Last Supper is about 4.6 meters above ground. Leonardo likely chose this relatively high height because the painting’s bottom edge is 2.4 meters.