
Cine imi traduce in engleza urmatorul text?
Scopul acestui raport este de a prezenta metodele de invatare pe care le cunosc utilizate in centrele de limbi straine si in scolile de stat .De asemenea,doresc sa vin si cu niste recomandari ,sugestii care ar putea ajuta foarte mult diferite persoane sa invete cu usurinta o limba straina.

2.Metode moderne si traditionale
Exista o gramada de metode de invatare utilizate in scolile de stat sau in centrele de limbi straine.Eu am sa mentionez doua dintre ele.In primul rand,metoda traducerii care este o metoda simpla si eficienta ,utilizata in multe scolii din lume.Tehnicile folosite sunt citirea textelor ,traduceri,exercitii de gramatica si vocabular.In al doilea rand,metoda comunicarii este cea mai eficienta metoda folosita pentru invatarea unei limbi straini .Gramatica este invatata prin practica.Tehnicile folosite sunt discutii,jocuri de rol sau dezbateri.Metoda comunicarii este folosita in toate scolile .Cele mai multe persoane invata prin comunicare o limba straina ,chiar si persoanele in varsta.In plus prin comunicare ,inveti cuvinte noi si sa vorbesti mai bine limba respectiva.

Exista cateva sugestii pe care doresc sa le mentionez si sper ca vor fi folositoare.In scolii sau in centrele de limbi straine ,sunt persoane care invata intr-un ritm mai lent o limba straina .Ar fi o idee buna ,ca pentru acele persoane sa se desfasoare ore suplimentare,sa fie un profesor sau mai multi profesori care sa ramana cu ei dupa ore si sa le explice ceea ce nu au inteles sau la ce nu se descurca.In plus se pot realiza filmulete cu profesorii care explica lectii si fac exercitii pentru studentii.Pentru invatarea unei limbii straine este nevoie ca studentii sa aiba parte de materialele necesare .Recomand ca fiecare scoala sa aiba o biblioteca cu carti in diferite limbi straine si cartile sa aiba si traduceri .In plus ,scoala sa ofere studentiilor carti de gramatica, cu teorie si exercitii pentru diferite varste.In acest fel ,studentii vor putea lucra in plus din caiete si sa invete individual acasa atunci cand au timp.

Sunt sigura ca scolile de stat si centrele de limbi straine ii vor ajuta pe persoane de diferite varste sa invete limba straina pe care o doresc,datorita facilitatilor care vor fi asigurate cu putina munca si dorinta.Sper ca sugestiile pe are le am scris mai sus vor fi folositoare .Imi doresc foarte mult sa ma tine-ti la curent ."

Răspuns :



The purpose of this report is to present the learning methods they know used in foreign language centers and state schools. Also, I want to come up with some recommendations ,suggestions that could help very much different people to easily learn a foreign language.

2.Modern and traditional methods

There are a lot of learning methods used in state schools or in foreign language centers. I'm going to mention two of them. First of all, the translation method which is a simple and efficient method, used in many schools in the world. The techniques used are reading texts, translations, grammar and vocabulary exercises. Secondly, the method of communication is the most effective method used for learning a foreign language. Grammar is learned through practice. The techniques used are discussions, role-playing games or debates. The communication method is used in all schools. Most people learn a foreign language through communication, even the elderly. In addition, through communication, you learn new words and speak the language better.


There are some suggestions that I would like to mention and I hope they will be useful. In school or in foreign language centers, there are people who learn a foreign language at a slower pace. It would be a good idea for those people to work overtime, to be a teacher or more teachers to stay with them after school and explain to them what they didn't understand or what they couldn't handle. In addition, you can make videos with teachers who explain lessons and do exercises for students. To learn a foreign language it is necessary for students to have the necessary materials . I recommend that each school have a library of books in different foreign languages and books have translations. In addition, the school offers students grammar books, with theory and exercises for different ages. In this way, students will be able to work extra from notebooks and learn individually at home when they have time.


I am sure that state schools and foreign language centers will help people of different ages to learn the foreign language they want, thanks to the facilities that will be provided with little work and desire. I hope the suggestions I wrote above will be useful. I really want you to keep me up to date."


,, 1.The purpose

The purpose of this report is to present the learning methods I know used in language centers and state schools. I also want to come up with some recommendations, suggestions that could help many different people to learn easily. a foreign language.

2. Modern and traditional methods

There are a lot of learning methods used in state schools or language centers. I will mention two of them. First of all, the translation method which is a simple and efficient method, used in many schools in the world. are reading texts, translations, grammar and vocabulary exercises. Secondly, the communication method is the most effective method used to learn a foreign language. Grammar is learned through practice. The techniques used are discussions, role-playing games or debates. It is used in all schools. Most people learn a foreign language through communication, even the elderly. In addition, through communication, you learn new words and speak that language better.


There are some suggestions that I would like to mention and I hope they will be useful. In schools or language centers, there are people who learn a foreign language at a slower pace. It would be a good idea for those people to extra hours are held, to be a teacher or more teachers to stay with them after class and explain to them what they did not understand or what they can not do. In addition, videos can be made with teachers who explain lessons and do exercises for students. To learn a foreign language it is necessary for students to have the necessary materials. I recommend that each school have a library with books in different foreign languages and the books have translations. In addition, the school should offer students grammar books. , with theory and exercises for different ages. In this way, students will be able to work extra from notebooks and learn individually at home when they have time.


I am sure that state schools and foreign language centers will help people of different ages to learn the foreign language they want, due to the facilities that will be provided with a little work and desire. I hope the suggestions I have written above they will be useful. I really want you to keep me informed. "