
Cine imi traduce in engleza ?
"Buburuza este o insecta frumoasa si gingasa.Are 6 picioruse si doua aripioare.Ciclul de evolutie al buburuzei este ou-larva-pupa-buburuza adult.De mica mi au placut buburuzele pentru ca mereu se asezau la mine pe mana si le admiram frumusetea.Buburuzele sunt asa micute ,rosii cu buline negre.Exista si buburuze portocalii sau galbene cu buline negre sau buburuze negre cu buline rosii.Gradinarii le iubesc pentru ca protejeaza plantele hranindu-se cu paduchii de plante ."

Răspuns :

The ladybug is a beautiful and gentle insect. It has 6 legs and two wings. The evolution cycle of the ladybug is egg-larva-pupa-adult ladybug. Since I was little I liked ladybugs because they always sat on my hand and I admired their beauty. Ladybugs are so small, red with black dots. There are also orange or yellow ladybugs with black dots or black ladybugs with red dots. Gardeners love them because they protect the plants by feeding on plant lice.


The ladybug is a beautiful and gentle insect. It has 6 legs and two wings. The evolution cycle of the ladybug is egg-larva-pupa-adult ladybug. Since I was little I liked ladybugs because it always sits on my hand and I admire their beauty. There are orange or yellow ladybugs with black polka dots or black ladybugs with red polka dots. Gardeners love them because they protect the plants by feeding on plant lice.

