
de scris o poveste auzită de la părinți sau bunici de 50 -100 de cuvinte în engleza aveti grijă la timpuri !va rog am nevoie de ea urgent !!!!​

Răspuns :


It was a sunny day and I was sitting outside with my family. We was telling each other some interesting stories in our life. It was my mum s turn and she started talking: "I was plaing outside in a winter day and it start snowing. I was so happy and I stay out till 7:00 PM when I start freezing. I was lucky because my mum came and she saw me. We get inside and I was really happy. It was really funny because I nearly frezed there."    After these we all laugh and we continue telling stories.


Are fix 100 de cuvinte. Sper ca am scris corect si ca te-am ajutat!