- talk about the time when things happened: today
- talk about the order in which things happened: at first, then, ten minutes later
- make the story interesting: suddenly, finally, luckily, eventually, obviously
ex 3.
1. In the first paragraph the writer used the Past Simple because the action happened in the past.
2. - sets the scene (who?, where?, when?) : first paragraph
- talks about a dramatic situation : second paragraph
- tells about the solution of the problem : third paragraph
ex 4.
It was Friday and our team of swimming had a competition. The place was noisy and we were excited. We went in dressing room to prepare for competition. In first round participated Lisa and Rhea, my friends. I was in second round. After the girls have gone out of the water, suddenly a girl behind me slipped. It was Jennie.
At first she said that she is fine but when she tried to get up she couldn't. We went to our coach to tell him about Jennie. She had broken ankle. She couldn't walk, nor swimming. So the coach went to call a doctor. The third round had been begun soon and Jeannie couldn't participate. Our coach told the organizers about this situation and they decided to be substituted of someone else from team. The coach chose me because I had the biggest score from team.
After the competition, the results came. We were very interested and stressed. The host, Mr. John announced the team winner. We was very happy when we found that we won. And Jennie went to hospital when the competition finished.
ex. 5.
Monday, 21 June
Dear Mom,
I arrived in camp. The weather was warm and the landscape was wonderful. I made some new friends. Their name are Jessica, Hatty and Moris. We camped and we waited the instruction from Mrs. Rita.
I will tell you something that you wouldn't believe. Yesterday Mrs. Rita gave me a list with some interesting activities. I wanted to choose Volleyball but I checked the wrong box. When I went to Volleyball that man who was the coach of the Volleyball team said to me that I am on archery list. I couldn't believe. I went to find Mrs. Rita but she wasn't in the camp. The only option was to go to archery. After I had arrived there, I picked an arrow and a arch and I tried to aim. Suddenly Mrs. Rita appeared in that moment and I don't know how it was happened but my finger slipped and accidentally I hit her.
Obviously, Mr. Thomas, the trainer of archery team called the ambulance. Now Mrs. Rita is in hospital so the camp was cancelled, and tomorrow I will come back home. Fortunately, Mrs. Rita isn't very bad and I understood from Hatty that she will be released Wednesday.
sper ca te-am ajutat.