Look at the pictures. What mistake did each person make? What should they have done?
Va rogggggg!!!!

❗Ce am scris ÎNGROȘAT este ce greșeală a făcut fiecare și ce ar fi trebuit să facă (ca greseala sa nu se întâmple) ❗
1) In the first image (1), the man forgot to take his sunscreen. He should have taken his sunscreen with him.
2) In the second image (2), the woman cleans and the man enters the house wearing shoes, his shoes being dirty. He should have taken off his shoes.
3) In the third image (3), the girl missed the bus. She should have come earlier to catch the bus on time.
4) In the fourth image (4), the woman burned the food. She should have been paying attention to the food, to know when it is ready - to take it out of the oven in time so that the food does not burn.