
4. what does nature teach us about our own lives? discuss

Răspuns :


                               Nature speack

   Nature teaches us that we must be responsible and polite, because, for example, if we throw garbage on the street, then we can be sure that this garbage will pollute nature.

   This has a major disadvantage, as it affects our health.

I am sure that if we listened to nature we would be much healthier!


                                         Natura vorbeste

Natura ne invata ca trebuie sa fim responsabili si educati,deoarece,de exemplu, daca aruncam gunoiul pe strada, atunci putem fi sigur ca acest gunoi va polua natura.

Acest fapt are un mare dezavantaj, acesta fiind afectarea sanatatii noastre.

Sunt sigur\a ca daca am asculta natura am fii mult mai sanatosi!