Buna ziua un mic ajutor va rog ,mulțumesc

The left boy's t-shirt is green. (coloreaza cu verde tricoul)
The left boy's shorts are blue. (coloreaza cu albastru pantalonii)
The left boy's hair is red (coloreaza cu rosu parul)
The left boy's skin is white/buff/ochre (coloreaza pielea cu alb/galben închis/ocru)
The left boy's shoes are black. (papucii cu albastru)
The left boy's socks are white (șosete albe)
The right boy's t-shirt is yellow (tricoul cu galben)
The right boy's shirts are purple (pantalonii cu mov)
The right boy's skin is maroon/black (pielea cu maro/negru)
The right boy's hair is black (parul negru)
The right boy's shoes are orange (papucii cu portocaliu)
The right boy's socks are violet (șosete violet)