Match the two parts of sentences

Match the two parts of the sentences
1.e, 2.h, 3.a, 4.c, 5.d, 6.f, 7.b, 8.g
Rezolvare completă:
1. You must keep to the rules even (e) if you think they are unfair.
2. The children have been warned (h) to keep out of the fields while the crops are growing.
3. When people move to another country (a) they often try to keep up the customs of their native land.
4. The government is considering further action (c) to keep the pound from falling in value.
5. A notice was placed on the dangerously thin ice (d) warning people to keep off.
6. We haven't seen you for ages - (f) what's been keeping you away?
7. I hope the wind keeps down, or (b) the sea will be too rough for sailing.
8. The horses kept together for most of the race (g) until a leader at last came to the front.
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