Realizați un text în engleză de 120 180 de cuvinte în care să descrieți un film după modelul dat. filmul sa fie Harry Potter sau Fast and Furios. va rog mult! Dau coroana+10 puncte! e urgent!

the film called Harry Potter is one of my favourite movies franchise of all time. One of the reasons why I love them so much its because of the idea the movies are based on an example would be that there aren't that many good movies with wizards in them or with with a magical school where kids can go and learn magic. Let me tell you about the plot just a little. The main character of the movies is Harry Potter who is a kid that has a family that doesn't really appreciates him, he lives under the stairs like some form of parasite. The way he looks it's iconic he has glasses and a little thunder scar on his forehead. One day he sees an owl with a letter that said he can come and study at the magic school. There the movies really start with him a readheaded guy and girl learning about the misteries of the magic. I totally recomand it for families that wanna have fun and escape in a world of misteries.
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