Va rog sa ma ajutati dau coroana și ma abonez!!

It was a beautiful and warm day.The little pretty birds are singing in the whole forest.My family and I were camping in a forest for our summer holiday.It was a perfect day for camping.Suddenly thick fog appear.We were a little scared because we couldn't see anything.We walked a little longer but we weren't able to see the path anymore.My little brother started crying.My parents didn't know what to do.I started feel scared.I just realized that we were lost.O couldn't believe my self.
A few minutes later,me and my mother started hearing noises.I thought it's a big bear getting ready to eat us.
After a few seconds we saw a man with with a large backpack.I was so happy.We asked for some help and the man has show us how to arrive to the camp.We thanked him.We were so happy and relieved!