1 A ȘI B, VĂ ROG MULT!! Dau coroană pentru răspunsul corect, pup

Cornea - at the front of the eye that covers the iris
Pupil - the opening within the iris
Eardrum - in the ear
Ear lobe - Lower Part of the Outer Ear
Airway - Lower respiratory tract
Nostril - one of the two channels of the nose
Skull - in the head
Cheekbone- at the widest part of the cheek
Jaw-located inferiorly in the facial skeleton
Incisor-the front part of your mouth
Adam's Apple - just under the skin in the front of the throat
Collarbone - on either side of the anterior base of the neck
Palm - on the the underside of the hand
Spine - from the base of your skull down the length of your back, going all the way down to your pelvis
Breastbone-in the middle of your chest
Ribcage-surrounds the lungs and the heart
Kneecap- at the front of the knee joint
Shin-in the lower leg.
1) breathe, yawn, blink, digest, swallow
2) wheeze, throb, bruise, scar