1 The plane to Sydney leaves at eleven
o'clock. e) timetables and programmes
pres simp
21 have written two letters this morning.
g) action which has happened within a
specific time period which is not over at
the moment of speaking - pres perf
3 They're going on holiday on Saturday. f)
actions that we have arranged to do in the
near future - pres cont
4 Graham has known Errol for five years.
a) actions which started in the past and
continue up to the present - pres perf
5 You're always leaving the door open. d)
to express criticism or annoyance - pres
6 We are rehearsing a new play at the
moment. j) temporary actions -pres cont
7 George has bought a new car. h) action
which happened at an unstated time in the
past - pres perf
8 Lisa has been cleaning the house all
morning. c) to put emphasis on the
duration of an act past and continues up to the present .
pres perf cont
9 Look! Alison has dyed her hair! b) action which has recently finished and whose result is visible in the present - pres perf
10 More and more people are recycling
their rubbish. i) changing or developing
- pres cont