
04 Find the numbered words and phrases in the text. 1 Look at each one in context and then choose the best meaning a) or b).
1 a) a deep river b) a deep valley
2 a) full of snakes b) without snakes
3 a) thick fog b) light cloud
4 a) holding tightly b) touching
5 a) break suddenly b) shake noisily
6 a) important b) not important
7 a) smiles quickly b) smiles slowly 2 Choose two other words from the text that you don't know and try to work out their general meaning from the context. va rog mult​

04 Find The Numbered Words And Phrases In The Text 1 Look At Each One In Context And Then Choose The Best Meaning A Or B 1 A A Deep River B A Deep Valley2 A Ful class=

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La 2 trebuie sa alegi alte cuvinte din text pe care tu nu le știi si sa încerci sa le gasesti semnificatia. La asta nu te pot ajuta deoarece nu stiu cuvintele pe care tu nu le cunoști deci nu te pot ajuta, oricum, succes