o compunere in engleza despre fratele mai mic va rog sa fie creativa e urgent dau coroana dupa criteriile din poza ma jur ca dau coroana

My little brother name is........ (completezi cu numele fratelui tău mai mic). He has...... years old (completezi cu vârsta). He is in the first grade at............ School (compeltelzi cu școala).
He has brown hair and black eyes. He is pretty tall and he has a very beautiful smile. He is handsome.
He is a generous boy and he always shares his thinks with me. He has a lot of friends who love him because he always helps his friends when they have problems. Sometimes, he is anoying because he cry.
He likes the video games and the sports like football or bascketball. His favorite activity is the karate class. His teacher is so cool.
În conclusion, my brother is an amazing person, with a lovely personality.
Good luck!