
Puteți sa ma ajutați cu un rezumat la acest text dar sa nu fie mare deorece va trebuie să-l povestesc
Va rogg dau orice

Puteți Sa Ma Ajutați Cu Un Rezumat La Acest Text Dar Sa Nu Fie Mare Deorece Va Trebuie Săl Povestesc Va Rogg Dau Orice class=

Răspuns :


Some people believe that the brain is like a hard disk, others think it is a huge container with boxes in wich we put informations. But is not. In the picture we see a child's neocortex where some networks like weeds grow around our nerve cells. This networks grow when we learn something new. Many neuronal networks- it means good memory and better thinking. We can grow them better by: liking what we learn and hard tasks.