
scrieți un e-mail unui prieten vorbitor de limbă engleză din altă țară. Descrieți rezoluțiile dvs. pentru anul școlar care urmează. scrie despre: obiceiuri proaste pe care le schimbi, noi clase pe care le iei, activități pe care intenționezi să le iei, de ce faci toate acestea​

Răspuns :

Hello, Im your old friend from Romania

And i know you are in Germany but i want to reveal mistakes. i always talk to everyone instead of the teacher its kinda .... rude

But i want to change and also im falling maths

So im gonna go to maths meditations because i want to go to programing collage.

Now im taking Physichs and Chemestry and even Latin , Russian and German. That's a lot of new subjects but im gonna balance them don't worry.This year i want to be a better person for all and i will try my best even tho i can't control myself i will learn self-control

With Love,

(Numele Tau)