Am nevoie urgent la exercitiul 4 din poza

1. Dave's not here. He has gone to the greengrocer's.
2. Kelly has been to the leisure centre twice this week.
3. Do you know where Molly and Tracey have been all week?
4. I have not been to the antiques market yet. I'm going tommorow.
5. Liam and Amy have gone to the library. They are going to come back in an hour.
has/have been se foloseste pentru o actiune care s-a terminat (exemplu: Am fost la scoala toata saptamana asta. / I have been to school this whole week.)
has/have gone se foloseste pentru o actiune care inca continua in prezent (exemplu: Amalia s-a dus la magazin. O sa se intoarca in 30 de minute. / Amalia has gone to the store. She will be back in 30 minutes.)