Vă rog frumos ajutați-mă dau coroana și puncte doar câte știți engleză și știți sa îmi răspundeți la întrebare

Multe magazine locale mici, se închid deoarece ele nu pot concura cu supermarketurile mari. Cum afectează asta comunitățile locale? Cum se poate îmbunătăți aceasta situație?
Well the situation could improve only if the People would find different ways to have profit. It's true and very unfortunate that the small sellers who own a shop can't complete with such large supermarkets. A comparation between the large supermarkets and the local shops is like when you make lemonade and try to sell it to the People who are passing on the street but another person is selling bottles of Coca-cola. A good way for the small sellers is to became creative.
To lower the prices. To tell friends about the merchandise that he is selling. And in the last place to respect the possible buyers.