
Scrie o continuare a povestirii horror de minimum 300 de cuvinte

It was a dark and stormy night, the wind was whistling through the trees and the rain was pouring down. Not only was I completely soaking wet, but also my teeth were chattering because of the icy wind. I knocked on the door of the ancient run-down mansion as hard as I could; little did I know the horror
that awaited me on the other side of the door. No sooner had I ceased my knocking than the door swung slowly open. The darkness on the other side was pitch-black but so desperate was I to get out of the storm that I jumped inside without a second thought. Hardly had I set foot inside the house when the
door slammed shut behind me...

Răspuns :

I shouted in hope someone could hear me, but I was completely alone. I quickly took my jacket off in hope of drying it near the fire place, but I realized that my matches were destroyed by the rain. I was trembling because of the unbearable cold. I decided to wait inside until the rain stopped, but it seemed like that wasn't going to happen anytime soon. I went up the stairs to search for a bed or a blanket, but the house was completely empty, except for the old, half-eaten by rats carpet. A shiver went down my spine when I heard that terrible scream. It sounded like that poor man was being eaten alive! I jumped down the stairs to help that poor soul, but the place was still empty. As a matter of fact, it looked like no one had stepped foot in this house for decades!

I opened the door and ran through the rain. I didn't care about the fact that I left my jacket inside or about the fact that I was probably about to catch the worst cold of my life. All I cared about was getting out of that house!

After running for a few minutes, I stopped and looked behind me, terrified that whatever devilish creature was in there had been following me, but I saw nothing. The house was gone!

I kept running, even more terrified that before (I didn't even know that was possible).

It's been 3 years now and I still haven't come close to that place, fearing that the creature might do to me what it did to that man...