Îmi faceți și mie aceste compuneri, vă rog frumos! DAU COROANĂ

Partea a 2-a: "Hello Jeff, i am happy to hear that you are coming to my home town, we are going to have so much fun together with my family and friends, so you are coming to (Orașul tău), here in (Orașul tău) exist a large number of good people and in the school you're going to study are a lot of good teachers and students with a good heart, so i was thinking if you are interested in a business deal, nah just joking i was thinking if you would like next week to go to the city mountain, i heard there is a good view on the top of the mountain. See you soon."
Partea a 3-a, Întrebarea a 8-a: "My favorite person is (personajul tău favorit) because he/she has a great reputation in my heart,he/she is diferite from other people because he/she is just so kind and so awesome as a person and as a soul. He/She makes my day so awesome and so joyful when i hear about him/her and the best part is that he/she is going to come in my city to do a motivational speech and i will go and hope that i would make a picture with (personajul tau)."