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14.1.A:I never tidy my bedroom.
B:Oh,really?I do.It doesn't take a long time.
2.A:I always do my homework.
B:Oh,really?So do I.It's always easy.
3.A:I never watch TV in my free time.
B:Oh,really?Nor I do.I don't think its healthy for your eyes.
4.A:I often go to the cinema at weekends.
B:Oh,really?I don't.I hate going to the cinema.
15.1:Sally lives in Toronto,Australia.F(False) Sally lives in Toronto,Canada.
2:Sally is short and slim.F(False) Sally is tall and slim.
3:Her sister is Heather.F(False) Her sister is Susan.
4:In her free time she loves playing basketball.T(True)
5:She hates going to the cinema.F(False) She likes going to the cinema.
16.1:Which paragraph is about what Sally likes?
The paragraph that shows what Sally likes is paragraph 3.
2:Which paragraph is about Sally's family?
The paragraph that shows Sally's family is paragraph 2.
3:Which paragraph is about what Sally looks like?
The paragraph that shows what Sally looks like is paragraph 1.
4:Which paragraph is the conclusion?
The paragraph that is the conclusion is paragraph 4.
5:How does Sally start/end her letter?
Sally starts her letter by writing the address from where she's sending the letter,then the date of when she wrote it.After all that she starts with ,,Dear Laura," as we usually start letters.
Sally ends her letter with the conclusion and her name at the bottom,so the person who gets the letter knows who they got it from.
17. 1 Fulton Street
24th December,2019
Dear Mark,
My name is Steven Sheldon and I live in California.
I am 15 years old and I am short and slim with brown eyes and short messy brown hair.
In my family there are 5 members;My parents Tess and Joel,my sister Ellie and my brother Sam,and me.I still don't know where my parents work,but I should really ask them.My siblings are most of the time annoying,but they're good people.
In my free time I usually listen to Christmas music,you know kinda want to get into the spirit.I am still hoping I'll get the gift I wish for,it's a secret though,so no exceptions!Instead of that I really like to bake with my mother,its the time of the year and I really hope everyone will like what I did!
Well,that's pretty much it about me.You should check out the songs I recommended you in my other letter that I sent you,you'll love them!
Lovely Holidays,