
5. Write the phrases correcting the mistakes.
1. a interesting book on interesting book
2. three yellow dress three yellow dressing
3. an black dog a blacy deck.
5. these umbrella
6. some clever boy
7. a beautiful pictures
8. five young mans
9. a old woman
10.a good lessons​

Răspuns :


an interesting book

three yellow dresses

a black dog

these umbrellas

some clever boys

a beautiful picture

five young men

an old woman

a good lesson



1. An interesting book

2. three yellow dresses

3. a black dog

4. these umbrellas

5. some clever boys/ a clever boy

6. a beautiful picture/ some beautiful pictures

7. five young men

8. an old woman

9. a good lesson


1. inainte de un cuvant care incepe cu o vocala, se scrie an, nu a. Ecxemplu: an apple, an account, a table, a pillow

2. cuvantul dress (rochie) este la plural, facand pluralul dress-dresses

3. aceeasi regula ca la 1

4. pentru these se foloseste pluralul.

5. si 6. "a" se foloseste pt un obiect (singular), iar "some" pentru mai multe (plural)

7. man (barbat) face pluralul man-men

8. aceeasi regila ca la 1

9. aceeasi regula ca la 5