Am nevoie de un text în engleza cu cerințele de mai jos urgent

I was heading towards my mantelpiece in the heart of the mountains, carrying along the parcel that was delivered to me yesterday. Beneath the thick snow I could hardly see the dead leaves that fell off in the trees in the autumn. I peered around the area as I couldn't find the path I was supposed to climb in order to get to the destination. There was too much snow and the path hadn't been used for long while .
During my search I ran into a sign that stated that the access was forbidden. This was a sign that proved that I was not on the right track.
After a few more minutes I arrived into a more familiar spot, similar to the path I used in the past to get to my hut.
Climbing up I saw the smoke rising from my chimney, I could even smell it... Oh, such a great feeling.. I am finally home... My beloved mantlepiece.