
Prezentare in engleza despre Delta Dunarii in 100 de cuvinte!​

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The Danube Delta (3446 km²), located mostly in Dobrogea, Romania and partly in Ukraine, is the second largest and best preserved of the European deltas.

The Danube Delta became a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1991, being classified as a national biosphere reserve in Romania and as a national park in the IUCN International Taxonomy.


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The Danube, springs from Germany and it gathers all the tributary streams from 10 countries and crosses 4 capital cities. After covering 2860 km and before following into the Black Sea, it forms a delta. Related to the surface of Romania, the Danube Delta is situated in the Southeastern part of the country, it has the shape of the Greek letter "delta" and it is bordered in the Southwestern part by Dobrogea Plateau, in the Northern part by the Ukrainian border and in the Eastern part by the Black Sea.

The Danube Delta is crossed by the parallel latitude of 45º North and by the meridian longitude of 29ºEast.

Its surface, together with the complex of lagoons Razim-Sinoe measures 5050 km²; from which 732 km² belong to Ukraine. Delta alone has a surface of 2540 km² and this surface increases every year with 40 m because of the 67 million tones of alluvial deposits brought by the river.