Am tabelul rezolvat dar am nevoie ajutor la cealalte exerciții de
mai jos !!! ee urgent!!
3. The concert lasted for two hours.
4. She tapped the top of her desk.
5. He described his house.
6. They demanded to know the answer.
7. Alice pushed and I pulled.
8. He handed me his dictionary.
9. Jack tooted his horn.
10. They asked us to help
11. With the coming of spring, the river flooded.
12. The airplane departed at six and landed at eight.
13. My friend jumped up and down and shouted when she got the news.
Va rog eee urgent!! Îmi trebuie pana miercuri!!!!
Dau coroana si 5 stele !!!!
Seriozitate !!!!
Și plus răspundeți dacă știți nu pt a lua niște puncte asa degeaba !!!