
When I opened the front door , I simply couldn't believe my eyes.....
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When I opened the front door, I just couldn't believe my eyes ... a lot of people were in the living room, my parents greeted me warmly. I still didn't know what was going on, but I realized it was my birthday. I had really forgotten about my birthday. The best thing was that I received a lot of gifts. I received a new phone from my grandparents, and a very nice laptop from my parents. I can even say that this day was really great. I will never forget this day.


Aici o ai tradusă în română

Când am deschis ușa din față, pur și simplu nu mi-a venit să cred ochilor...o multime de oameni erau in camera de zi, parintii mei m-au intampinat cu mult drag. Totusi nu stiam ce se întâmplă, dar mi-am dat seama că era ziua mea de nastere. Chiar uitasem de ziua mea. Fel mai tare lucru a fost ca am primit foarte multe cadouri. De la bunici am primit un nou telefon, iar de la paeinti un laptop foarte frumos. Chiar pot spune ca aceasta zi a fost chiar super. Nu o sa uit niciodata aceasta zi.

Este de vreo 92 de cuv.....sper sa fie bine:)