read about hygiene habits and answer the questions. va rooooog dau coroanaaaa

1. Because they keep our body clean
2.Because it keeps bad germs away.
3.We should wash our hand when we get home,before and after meals,after using the bathroom or after touching animals.
4.Because it help to prevent many diseases.
5. We should brush our teeth twice a day,in the morning and last thing ag night.
6.Before going to bed,and in the morning,when we wake up
sper ca te-am ajutat!
The hygiene is important because, if we won't support hygiene, we will be unhealthy and bad looking
If we wouldn't wash our hands ,we will be eating dirty food and get sick fast
We should wash our hands before food, for our own health
We should wash our teeth two times a day, for our own health. If we won't wash them , we wont be able to eat
We should brush our teeth in morning and on evening
We should wash our face every time we wake up or we return home from outside
Hope I helped :3