1. Ben Renshaw feels that modern children
a) may learn inappropriate behaviour from their parents
b) should not be made to apologise to their parents
c) have to learn that their parents make mistakes
d) need help to interpret their parents apologies
2. Beverley Engel feels that office workers tend to
a) ignore minor disagreements in the workplace
b) find it hard to complain about their colleagues
c) blame their employers for interpersonal difficulties
d) allow small arguments to grow into major problems.
3. Which phrase used earlier in the fifth paragraph introduces the idea of 'sulking' (line 91).
a) too insecure to admit when they are wrong (line 79)
b) minor office feuds ( line 82)
c) wars of anger and silence ( line 84)
d) to get back at him or her ( line 88)
4. Why does the writer mention the film Love Story?
a) It misled her about something
b) It led her to question something
c) It taught her the value of something
d) It helped her to understand something ​